Friday, 8 June 2012

Lift Issues

After watching final destination- and saw a scene where a person got stuck in between the two lift doors and the lift won't automatically open as it has no sensor then it moved up and.......... yeaaa... - I became more cautious when using a lift... Since I was little... I've been having issues with lifts... as such:

When I was about 5 years old... I broke a lift in a hotel somewhere in Jakarta... It was pretty bad that they had to get it fixed by mechanics... I don't quite remember the full story... 

Then about 6 years ago... I got squeezed in between the lift doors that were closing... and at that time the lift was full of people and they all laughed at me... 

About 2 years ago... I did something stupid in one of the lifts in my uni campus when I was heading towards my class with two of my friends. We got stuck in the lift and the lift kinda dropped by half level cause we were in between two levels when the lift stopped... 

Then there are stupid times when the lift didn't move to the destined level coz I haven't pressed the button... Just like what happened today...When I was at the basement walking towards my car, I then realized that... I left my car key at home sigh... so lil sister and I went back to our apartment to get the key... Then we waited in front of the lift for like about 5 minutes... We wondered "what the heck is wrong with this lift? Why isn't it here? Why does it took this freaking long?" then we stood there and laughed... Of course... We didn't press the button... 

1 comment:

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