Lately, I have been really upset with some people. I have lost count of how many people that have betrayed, lied, judged, telling untrue stories about me to other people behind my back, and other mean things to me, these past few years.. some are people that i'm not even close to, some are those i have been nice to, maybe some that i may have conflicts/issues with, some people just do it for fun and some are my close friends (i should say former close friends :p)... and yet, i still dare to trust some people and guess what?! the same thing happened again and again until i gave up and finally realized that i should'nt trust anyone.. and the more you're close to someone or the more you trust that someone, the more painful it gets when that someone hurts you in any ways.
and after going through some painful process, one of my friends reminded me "don't be afraid to trust again, but don't be stupid to trust someone easily, a person must earn the trust before you can give him/her your trust". well, what he said was right, i trusted people easily in the past to the point that i got hurt over and over again, thus its my fault.
In life, when something happened to you whether its a good or bad thing, it happened for a reason and you are the reason!
*hughughug* thanks cil :)