Hello november, i cant believe how fast time flies. Welcoming november means i should start preparing for my exams... three exams and im done with uni. well, HOPEFULLY! i still remember, when i was in year 12 about to graduate, i had a thought "omg im graduating year 12 soon, im going to start uni soon, cant believe it! feels like i just started yr 12 yesterday" and now im like... "omg im graduating uni in less than a month, time travels faster than anything, cant believe it, feels like i just started uni yesterday (not really) and then here i am about to graduate and the next thing i'll realize: i'm getting married then have kids then have grand kids, i'll be an old granma" ah well, we all have our times..
Anyway, here's what i did during the last week of October:
Halloween party:
My friends and I at Halloween party! |
It may be hard to recognize me, and yes i dont even believe it my self that i can be this scary. LOL. anyway, im going to put the blame on the boys. I was just testing the face paints that we bought before Halloween
, i was about to wash it off my face but they wont let me. And when i came to the club, people were taking pictures with me because i was the scariest and my friends couldn't even recognize me. haha.
Final Presentation:
This is me after presentation with my group mates... (missing one more person tho) |
During our final semester, we have to do a subject called "integrated marketing topics" and at the end of our study, all students must present in front of scary marketing seniors that include former head of marketing school, associate professor and 2 tutors. And we have to wear formal clothes.
Apart from Halloween party and final presentation, during the week, i also:
- handed 2 projects
- another presentation for my other course
- eat a lot
So, it was a busy busy week.. and as some people know, november is a busy month for uni students.
wish me luck :D and good luck for those having their exam this month.